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Eye Care Services – Your Expert Eye Doctor in St. Albert, Alberta

Looking to take the best care possible of your vision and eye health? We welcome patients of all ages to visit our friendly, experienced St. Albert, Alberta, optometrists for regular eye exams. It’s the best way to ensure your eyesight is as sharp and healthy as can be!

We perform comprehensive, dilated eye exams in our modern eye care clinic. Using precise skill and top-tier technologies, such as high-resolution digital imaging, our eye doctor will check your vision and eyes for any changes or signs of a problem. Typically, ocular disease, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts, does not cause any early noticeable symptoms, and only an eye doctor can spot the signs. If you have diabetes, yearly eye exams are even more important, because elevated blood sugar levels and/or hypertension increases your risk of dangerous eye diseases.

At Eye Health Centre, our eye doctors in St. Albert, Alberta, custom-tailors every visit to address each patient’s unique needs. If you suffer from eye irritation, such as dry eye, we’ll evaluate your condition thoroughly to recommend the most effective treatment. We offer advanced dry eye therapies – such as BlephEx.

In addition to fitting you with new eyeglasses and contact lenses for 20/20 vision, we’re pleased to offer Vision Therapy to help correct vision conditions other than visual acuity. Our specialists will design personalised VT sessions to help improve vision-related learning problems, as well as Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Therapy for brain injuries.

No matter what eye care services you need, our eye doctors are committed to keeping you informed. We’ll describe the treatment options and listen to your lifestyle requirements to advise you on the most suitable therapies for your condition. Excellent eye health depends on having a solid partnership between eye doctor and patient, which is why we encourage you to share your concerns and ask your questions. In the event of an eye emergency, we’re here to help! Call for immediate assistance and to book an urgent eye exam.

  • Routine and complete eye evaluations are recommended for patients of all ages and with any vision condition. Our eye doctors will check your visual acuity and eye health. Using state-of-the-art optometric technologies, we’ll inspect for any signs of eye disease. We custom-design every eye exam to consider any special health conditions or concerns.
  • There’s a strong link between eyesight and learning, which is why it’s critical to detect any pediatric vision conditions as early as possible. Help your child succeed in school by scheduling regular pediatric eye examinations. With a gentle and kind manner, our St. Albert, Alberta, optometrist performs thorough evaluations.
  • If you have sore, red or pink eyes and suspect an infection, we can help with a wide range of eye emergencies. We are experienced and qualified to perform foreign object removal and/or treat eye injuries. You don’t always need to rush to the hospital, contact us for assistance and to book an urgent eye exam.
  • Do you need to move your book further and further away in order to see the printed page? This is typical of presbyopia, a common vision problem related to aging. We’ll evaluate your near vision to fit you with prescription eyewear to help resolve this “long-arm syndrome”.
  • If you are diagnosed with an eye disease, such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma or cataracts, staying current with your treatment is vital for your lasting eye health and quality vision. Our St. Albert, Alberta eye doctor manages eye disease expertly, and we stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and treatments.
  • Digital retinal imaging enables your eye doctor to see the inner tissues of your eye with ultimate precision. We make detailed diagnoses that you can trust, and we compare the images from one eye exam to the next – to monitor closely for any changes.
  • An insufficient amount of tears or a poor quality tear composition means your eyes don’t get the healthy lubrication they need. Dry eye syndrome (DES) results, leading to many uncomfortable or painful symptoms. We offer various dry eye treatments to alleviate your painful vision, decrease your risk of inflammation or infection, and wear contact lenses comfortably.
  • Eye injuries range from minor scratches or contact with an irritating substance, to sight-threatening emergencies such as chemical exposure, burns, or a deep laceration. Contact us for immediate assistance and guidance on what to do.
  • Low vision is the term used to describe reduced eyesight that cannot be fully corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses or eye surgery. The primary causes of low vision are eye diseases, but low vision also can be inherited or caused by an eye or brain injury.
  • Ortho-k is the process of gently reshaping your cornea by wearing specialised rigid gas permeable contact lenses while you sleep. Ortho-k lenses work by flattening the front surface of your eye, temporarily correcting mild to moderate nearsightedness and astigmatism – so you can enjoy daytime vision without eyewear.
  • Do you play sports with whizzing balls or crashing players? Is fishing or hunting a hobby of yours? No matter your favorite activity or game, we offer sports and specialty eyewear to protect your eyes and boost your performance, such as safety goggles and tinted lenses to sharpen visual contrast.
  • Visual field testing is an important part of a comprehensive eye exam. It measures your peripheral (side) vision, and poor results can indicate various eye diseases or vision conditions.
  • Glaucoma testing and screening can be done with several different technologies. Our St. Albert optometrist will measure your intraocular pressure during your eye exam, as well as inspect your retina and optic nerve for signs of damage.
  • Macular degeneration is an ocular disease that affects the macula of your eye, which is responsible for seeing fine details and sharp central vision. If you have macular degeneration, we will manage and treat your condition to slow the progression and prevent vision loss.